学術会議会員・連携会員の皆様は既にご存知の通り、今般の 熊本地震について、学術会議会長名で英文の報告が出されま した。 氷見山
Dear Presidents, Co-Chairs and representatives,
On behalf of Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of
Japan, I would like to extend his sincere gratitude for your kind concern
and generous messages of sympathy and assistance from your countries,
regions and international organizations for the suffered from the Earthquake
centered in the Kumamoto Region of Kumamoto Prefecture.
On this occasion, Professor Takashi Onishi, jointly with Professor Akira
Wada and Professor Noriaki Hirose, Representative Directors, Japan Academic
Network for Disaster Reduction released President’s statement “The 2016
Kumamoto Earthquake on April 16 and Our Actions.”
We would appreciate it if you could visit our Web-Page to see the
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of
Takashi Onishi, President
Keisuke Ogawara, Secretariat
Science Council of Japan