
[転載] 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS - THE 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on GEOGRAPHY ”Landscapes: Perception, Knowledge, Awareness and Action”, 24-26 June 2016, Bucharest and Geoagiu-Bai, Romania


We are pleased to invite you at THE 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on GEOGRAPHY ”Landscapes: Perception, Knowledge, Awareness and Action”, 24-26 June 2016, Bucharest and Geoagiu-Bai, Romania

Please find more information and REGISTER NOW ON-LINE on website: www.geosymposiumlandscapes.ro

Also, we kindly asked you to fill out the attached REGISTRATION FORM and send it to
The papers will be published in Proceedings Landscapes: Perception, Knowledge, Awareness and Action, Addleton Academics Publishers, New York, U.S.A. (http://addletonacademicpublishers.com/images/stories/2012.pdf ).
The Proceedings book is recorded in Library of Congress Online Catalog, and it is indexed and/or abstracted in:

-         CSA Worldwide gScience Abstracts

-         CEEOL

-         DeepDyve

-         EBSCOhost

-         EBSCO Discovery Service

-         Gale

-         International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

-         International Political Science Abstracts

-         Index Islamicus

-         Political Science Complete

-         ProQuest

-         Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

-         Universe Digital Library

-         Contemporary Science Association Databases

It will be an honour to have you among us.
We would appreciate very much that you could pass this information to other colleagues with interest on this topic.

Best regards,
The Organizing Committee

Madalina-Teodora ANDREI, PhD.