CIPSH(国際哲学人文科学協議会)事務局長のLuiz Oosterbeekさん
からブラジルで開かれる ”Territorialities and Humanities” 国際会議
Dear colleagues,
Attached please find the first call for the International South American
Conference of preparation of the World Conference of the Humanities.
The South American Conference will take place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil,
from the 4th to the 7th October, 2016, at the Federal University of Minas
Gerais (UFMG).
Please help disseminating the call and, in particular, to engage your fellow
South American colleagues, in the various Unions and institutions.
Any contacts at this stage may be sent to the President of the Advisory
Council, Prof. Luiz Carlos Villalta.
Yours sincerely,