2月2日にドイツのJena で開かれる IYGU Opening Event の情報です。
このイベントはオープンで、IGU, ICSU, ISSC, CIPSH, Future Earthなど
Dear all,
Please find attached the program of the IYGU Opening Ceremony at the Jena
Volkshaus on February 2.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Toepfer, a patron of IYGU, will give the opening address on
“Neuen Milliarden Menschen im Anthropozän. Herausforderungen für das
International Year of Global Understanding.” I’m very thankful to Klaus
Toepfer for making this possible, despite his very busy schedule, and his
imminent high-ranked appointments at the UN in New York.
The welcome addresses include speeches by the President of the
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, the Thuringian Minister of Economy and
Science, the president of the International Geographical Union, the
representatives of the International Science Councils CIPSH, ISSC, and ICSU,
as well as by the Executive Director of Future Earth. The keynote
presentations cover all of the main elements: education, (natural, social,
and human) sciences, and information.
The press release for German-speaking areas was sent out this morning.
Please find the English translation attached. It would be great if you
provide one for your language community and disseminate it.
There will be full broadcast coverage of the opening ceremony, which will be
made available to all the Regional Action Centers via the IYGU’s YouTube
The number of Regional Actions Centers is growing constantly. The newest
partners are: Ljubljana, Belgrade, Zagreb, Athens, Santiago de Compostela,
Minira, Taipei, and Mexico. Negotiations have just started with Havana, San
José/Costa Rica, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Qatar, and Hong Kong.
Others will follow. We are fast approaching the anticipated number of about
50 RACs.
The most recent news: Thanks to Luiz Oosterbeek, IYGU gained a new patron
this morning, namely José Ramos Horta, who received the Nobel Prize for
Peace in 1996 for his work towards a just and peaceful solution for the
conflict in East Timor. Currently Mr. Ramos-Horta is the United Nations'
special representative and Head of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).
I’m looking forward seeing the ones that could make it next Tuesday at
Opening Ceremony, and to continued cooperation with all of you.
With very best wishes,
Program IYGU
Opening ceremony