IGU事務局長のMeadows 先生からの年頭の挨拶です。特にIYGUと 8月に北京で開催される国際地理学会議(IGC)について書かれてい ます。 なおIYGUは、2月2日にドイツのJenaで大規模な旗揚げの大会が開 催されます。 氷見山
Dear IGU Colleagues
I bring you greetings and best wishes for the coming year from the International Geographical Union. This is a landmark year for us; under the leadership of Professor Benno Werlen, 2016 has been
proclaimed the International Year of Global Understanding, an IGU initiative. The International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) addresses the ways in which we inhabit an increasingly globalized world. How do we transform nature? How do we build new social and political relationships for the emerging global reality? Societies and cultures determine the ways we live with and shape nature. They influence how we perceive the global consequences of our everyday actions. We need to understand what our daily actions mean for the world as a whole in order to overcome global challenges. For more information, see: www.global-understanding.info
This year is also a Congress year, the 33rd International Geographical Congress takes place in Beijing, China, from 21st - 25th August 2016. We hope to see many of you at our showcase event for 2016. More information available at: www.igc2016.org
I hope you all have a productive, peaceful and, above all, healthy 2016.
Kind regards
Mike Meadows