
お知らせ Saving More People from the Scourge of War?


United Nations University
Event Invitation
UNU Conversation Series: “Saving More People from the Scourge of War?”
27 November 2015 (Friday) from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (a reception/buffet will follow)
Reception Room, 2nd Floor, UN University Headquarters, Tokyo

The United Nations University cordially invites you to attend “Saving More People from the Scourge of War?”, a conversation with Mr Edward Mortimer, Distinguished Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. This event will start at 6:30 p.m. on 27 November at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo.
In June 1945 the founders of the United Nations proclaimed their determination, in the opening words of its Charter, “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, which twice in their lifetime had brought “untold sorrow to mankind” (and that was before atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki: few if any of those present in San Francisco, when those solemn words were first read out, were even aware that such terrible weapons existed).
Edward Mortimer will join UNU Rector David M. Malone for a conversation exploring how far, in the last seven decades, the world organisation has fulfilled the hope thus placed in it, and how it might do better in the next 70 years, especially in light of the dramatic diplomatic failures to date to stem the fighting in Syria. As an adviser to The Elders ? a diverse and independent group of global leaders working to promote peace and human rights, currently chaired by Kofi Annan ? Mr Mortimer helped draft the proposals for strengthening the United Nations which they put forward at the beginning of this year.
The discussion will consider what chance these proposals have of being adopted and how far they or others could render the UN, and especially the Security Council, more effective in fulfilling its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and what alternatives may exist.
The UNU Conversation Series aims to foster audience participation: you are encouraged to engage with the speakers during the conversation and at the reception that will follow, where all audience members are invited to enjoy the food and drinks that will be served while exchanging ideas and making new contacts.
Please note that this event will be in English only; Japanese interpretation will not be provided. Advance registration (by 26 November) is required. Please click on the REGISTER button or the link below to access the online registration page.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to this important event.
