
The 9th International Congress of Gis and Geospace Applications Geo-Tunis 2015


The 9th International Congress of Gis and Geospace Applications Geo-Tunis 2015 Hammamet /Tunis from 01 to 05 April 2015

Call for paper 

We warmly invite you to submit as soon as possible the abstract of your proposal to
The 9th International Congress of Gis and Geospace Applications Geo-Tunis 2015 Tunis
Hammamet from 01 to 05 April 2015.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 January 2015. Proposals may be submitted in English, French, and Arabic. 

Detailed instructions for submitting your proposal are available at 
<http://www.geotunis.org> www.geotunis.org by following link 
<http://www.geotunis.org/?page_id=2144> .

Please encourage friends and colleagues to submit their own abstracts and give us a hand in publicizing the news of Gis and Geospace Applications among your contacts and in all possible newspapers and magazines, websites, blogs, Facebook profiles,

 <http://www.geotunis.org> www.geotunis.org


Remind: the deadline for submission of proposals is on January 15, 2015