
[ISC] Regular: ISC at SRI Congress

 To: All Members of the International Science Council (ISC) 

Dear ISC Member,

During the coming week, the ISC will be hosting and participating in several sessions at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2024 (10 – 14 June, Finland), including a session on Foresight jointly held with UNEP, participation in the Belmont Forum Interactive Roundtable and the Frontiers Planet Prize session.

You can find the links to each of these sessions, as well as the full SRI programme and registration page for this hybrid congress at https://council.science/events/sri-ssd2024/. Please do let us know if you or other representatives of your Member organization will be on-site, and whether your Member organization is facilitating any sessions.


1. Zoom meetings: Governing Board nominations
For ISC Members only

The Chair of the ISC Nominations and Elections Committee, together with the ISC President, are offering two information meetings regarding the call for nominations for ISC Governing Board members (to be published mid-June). The sessions are targeted at all ISC Member organizations that may wish to consider submitting nominations, as well as all individuals who may wish to consider standing for election.

  • Session 1: 17 June, 08:00 – 09:00 am UTC
  • Session 2: 17 June, 20:00 – 21:00 UTC

Register: https://council.science/events/information-meeting-gb-nominations/

2. Zoom Meeting with ISC President
For ISC Members only

The second quarterly Zoom meeting for ISC Members with the ISC President in 2024 is scheduled for 2 July, 07:00 – 08:00 am UTC, and 3 July, 19:00 – 20:00 UTC. All staff members, office bearers and representatives of ISC Member organizations are invited to attend one of the sessions. The President will be providing an overview of the discussions and decisions from recent ISC Governing Board meetings as well as an update on ISC activities, upcoming meetings and partnerships. Registration: https://council.science/events/quarterly-meeting-with-isc-president-jul2024/

3. Register with the ISC for the 2024 HLPF
For ISC Members only

The 2024 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will be held from 8 – 17 July in New York under the theme "Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. The ISC will mobilize experts from its membership and broader networks to contribute to official discussions as speakers, deliver statements and participate in official side-events. Please contact olivia.tighe@council.science by 20 June should you or other individuals within your Member organization be interested in registering through the ISC.

4. Collaborating on scientific freedom and responsibility in science
For ISC Members and your networks

The ISC Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science (CFRS) works to uphold and protect the freedoms that scientists should enjoy, and the responsibilities they carry, while engaging in scientific practice. The CFRS seeks to connect and work closely with like-minded groups (such as committees, task forces, working groups, networks, etc.) and individuals within the ISC membership who share an interest in and/or deal with issues related to scientific freedom and responsibility. Please consider sharing with us relevant information about any such groups or individuals within your Member organization via https://council.science/members/call-for-partners-scientific-freedom-responsibility-science/.

As an example, the International Human Rights Networks of Academies and Scholarly Societies (IHRN) at the U.S. National Academies is part of the ISC CFRS network. The IHRN recently introduced a biannual bulletin and would like to expand engagement beyond IHRN participants to include members of the broader global scientific community. You are welcome to read the bulletin and subscribe to the mailing list at https://mailchi.mp/nas/chrnews_july23-985028?e=435a59727b.

5. Top read of the week
For ISC Members and your networks

The path to a strong Global Plastic Treaty - Margaret Spring, Chair of the ISC expert group on plastic pollution, shares takeaways from the 4th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution: https://council.science/current/blog/the-path-to-a-strong-global-plastic-treaty/


6. Upcoming Zoom meetings for ISC Members
For ISC Members only

7. Opportunities within the ISC community
For ISC Members and your networks

  • Apply for the IANAS Young Scientist Research Award for Women for Science (deadline: 28 June)
  • Apply for several TWAS awards (deadline: 30 June)
  • Call for convenors to a new series of webinars by the European Consortium for Political Research focusing on the Middle East (deadline: 1 July)
  • Call for papers for the International Population Conference 2025 (deadline: 15 September)
  • Apply for the International Union for Quaternary Research’ Fellowship Program supporting early-career scientists and scientists from low- and middle-income countries to gain international quaternary research experience at a foreign institution for the duration of 3–6 months (deadline: 15 September)

8. Events within the ISC community
For ISC Members and your networks

As always, all opportunities and deadlines relevant to ISC Members can be found on the ISC Membership Notice Board https://council.science/members/membership-notice-board/.

With best regards,
Anne Thieme | Membership Liaison Officer
International Science Council (ISC)
anne.thieme@council.science | www.council.science
Paris, France

