
[ISC] FW: Groundbreaking Sustainability Research; Reform of Researchers’ Evaluation and More

 Subject: Groundbreaking Sustainability Research; Reform of Researchers’ Evaluation and More




Mobilizing interdisciplinary science for a more sustainable and resilient world


The Frontiers Planet Prize, endorsed by the International Science Council, announced its 2024 international champions. The three winning scientists were each awarded $1.1 million (USD) to support their research aimed at saving the planet.





The Frontiers Planet Prize recognizes and rewards scientists whose groundbreaking research accelerates solutions to help humanity remain safely within the nine planetary boundaries.

In its second edition, the Prize honored the contributions of three scientists:

  • Dr. Pedro Jaureguiberry from the Multidisciplinary Institute of Plant Biology in Argentina, whose research addresses the drivers of global anthropogenic biodiversity loss;
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Haase from the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research in Germany, who highlights the vital importance of preserving freshwater ecosystems with legislative action;
  • Prof. Jason Rohr from the University of Notre Dame in the USA, who demonstrates how community-driven agricultural practices can reduce the prevalence of schistosomiasis, a disease affecting hundreds of millions globally.

Review their award-winning research articles here.



New report: 
Snapshots of reform: Researcher evaluation within science organizations'


The global conversation around research evaluation is gaining momentum, underscoring the urgent need to move beyond traditional metrics that prioritize quantity over quality and to embrace comprehensive, value-driven approaches.

This new report, “Snapshots of Reform: Researcher Evaluation within Science Organizations, produced by the Global Young Academy (GYA), the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), and the International Science Council (ISC), identifies actionable steps that science organizations can take to reform researcher evaluation.

 Find out what your organization can do.



Our top news this month

High-level Political Forum 2024

Discover how the ISC is involved in the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2024.

9 July | Science Day 2024
15 July | Launch of the Global Foresight Report
16 July | Air Pollution and Public Health

Explore all our engagements


Shared concerns and aspirations around AI in Latin America and the Caribbean 

A recent workshop around preparing national research systems for artificial intelligence (AI) revealed shared views on AI in science across the vast and diverse region.

Review the key take-aways

Should scientists be doing more?

Despite extensive efforts, political action on climate and environmental crises remains insufficient. A growing number of scientists are turning to activism to draw urgent attention to these issues. 

Explore the rewards and risks of science activism



The environmental impact of cotton production 

On the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Kathryn Galloway, communication specialist on sustainability in fashion, reflected on the profound impact of the fashion industry on water resources and land degradation.


Read her insightful analysis


Opportunities in our network


  • Call for applications for members of the Global Ocean Observing System’s Biology and Ecosystems Expert Panel. Deadline: 14 July.
  • Call for nominations to the INGSA-Asia Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards 2024. Deadline: 31 July.
  • Call for applications for the 2024 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Young Talents Programmes, supporting young women researchers around the world to pursue their scientific careers in their home countries or abroad. Deadline for the Caribbean and Egypt: 31 July.
  • Call for submission of applications for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Fellowships Programme for early career scientists and researchers. Deadline: 31 July.
  • Contribute to the World Data System’s research survey gathering insights into existing and emerging data standards and certifications that ensure reliable and trustworthy scientific data repositories. Deadline: 31 July.
  • Apply for the 2024 Visiting Scholar Scheme of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Deadline: 31 August.
  • Call for papers for the International Population Conference 2025. Deadline: 15 September.

See all the current opportunities



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