Flood Risk Management and Response 2015についての情報です。
FRIAR 2016
5th International Conference on Flood Risk
Management and Response
29 June - 01 July, 2016
San Servolo, Venice, Italy
Papers presented at FRIAR 2016 will be
referenced by CrossRef.
View the conference website
for more information or to submit an
FRIAR 2016 is organised by the Wessex
Institute, UK and Birmingham
City University, UK. It is sponsored by WIT
Transactions on Ecology
and the Environment, the International Journal
of Safety and Security
Engineering and ASCE UK Group
Benefits of Attending
* Conference Book*
Papers are published in a book by WIT
Press. Delegates may choose to
receive a copy of the book in either hard
cover or digital format.
* Indexing*
WIT Transactions have since 1993 been
publishing exceptional
conference papers which are referenced by
CrossRef and have been
indexed in international databases such as
* Reviews*
Abstracts and papers are reviewed by
members of the International
Scientific Advisory Committee and other
* Papers Online*
All conference papers are archived online
in the WIT eLibrary.
View papers from FRIAR 2014
* Special Fee for Students*
PhD Students may publish and present for a
much reduced fee.
How to Participate
Papers are invited on the topics outlined and
others falling within
the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more
than 300 words should
be submitted as soon as possible.
Delegates may also attend without submitting a
Submit your abstract online or by emailing the
Conference Secretariat
/Registration for the conference is available
online now./
*Conference Topics*
* Flood management
* Flood warning
* Flood response
* Flood risk adaptation
* Flood protection -- products and processes
* Flood impact on health
* Flood risk modelling
* Flood forecasting
* Flood vulnerability
* Urban flood modelling
* Flood risk assessment and recovery
* Storm surge modelling
* Environment assessment
* Climate change impact
* Socio and economic impact
* Innovative approaches
* Flood case studies
* Emergency preparedness
* Critical infrastructure
* Flood damage