-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [IGU-UGI-Members] Preparation of the IGU newsletter MAY 2024Resent-From: ysz@nagoya-u.jp
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 09:13:27 +0000
From: Céline Rozenblat <celine.rozenblat@unil.ch>
Reply-To: Céline Rozenblat <celine.rozenblat@unil.ch>
To: igu_members@unil.ch <igu_members@unil.ch>, igu_commissions@unil.ch
Dear all IGU National representatives and presidents of commissions,
I hope that you had a nice spring.
In about one week, I will prepare and diffuse the IGU newsletter May
2024 and I would be pleased to diffuse any event, new book or call you
want to promote from your commission or your country.
Ideally could you mention:
- Organizers / Editors
- Dates and place
- Eventually deadlines
- Website and/or contact
Thanks in advance to *_send me it in direct answer to this email before
Sunday 17 May 2024,_*
In parallel, do not forget to diffuse in your community the *_invitation
for registration to the igu_news@unil.ch <mailto:igu_news@unil.ch> whic
is the canal for the IGU news diffusion, opened to all_*.
To subscribe : https://sympa.unil.ch/sympa/su
All the best
Professor - *WEBSITE
Vice-President of the International Geographical Union (IGU-UGI) -
https://igu-online.org/ <https://igu-online.org/>
Coordinator Cities Research Network - CIRENE - www.unil.ch/cirene
Institute of Geography and Sustainability- Director
Faculty of Geoscience and Environment
Geopolis Building- office 3614 - Mouline area
Tel : 41 (0)21 692 36 13
Cel : 41 (0)79 777 05 01
Email: celine.rozenblat@unil.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-53
BLOG: http://wp.unil.ch/citadyne-new