
投稿〆切延期3/31 IGC 2016 Beijing

IGU 2016 年北京国際地理学会議(IGC) のアブストラクト
非 http://www.igc2016.org/dct/page/1 をご確認ください。


Dear colleagues,

Due to numerous requests for an extended deadline of abstract submission, and
according to current condition of registration and abstract submission, the Local
Organizing Committee of IGC 2016 has decided to extend the deadline to the end of
March. The deadline of early bird registration and the date of abstract acceptance
notification will be extended as well, please see the important dates as below:

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31 March, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 30 April, 2016
Deadline for Early bird Registration: 15 May, 2016

Please circulate this news to your colleagues. Thank you!

With Best Regards,

Prof. Bojie FU

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the 33rd IGC
President of the Geographical Society of China