






(調査、モニタリング、 保全、教育、研究、情報発信など)の推進を支援することを目的としています。

・里山保全活動前後の生物を記録することで、活動効果の把握に役立ちます。  など 





 富士通株式会社 環境本部 グリーン戦略統括部


digital-earth.eu news

digitalearth のフォーラムの最終案内です。
Geospatial Minds for SocietyJuly 7 - 10, 2015 | Salzburg, AustriaThe GI_Forum 2015 provides a platform for dialogue among geospatial minds in an ongoing effort to support the creation of an informed GISociety. Bearing in mind different perspectives from a variety of professions, presentations, workshops and exhibitions will concentrate on innovations in education, science and technologies, in the spatial domain and their possible contribution to a more just, ethical and sustainable society. Prominent keynote speakers will highlight new developments, offer insights into trends and visions, and at the same time be available for our Young Researchers' Corner for more individualized interaction with young researchers.Themes & Application Fields. GI_Forum solicits contributions in full paper and extended abstract versions in, but not limited to the following topics: 
  • Advances in GIScience 
  • Innovations in geospatial technologies 
  • Monitoring Global Change 
  • Citizenship and education 
  • Empirical research in education 
  • Learning Environments in Primary and Secondary Education 
This year the GI_Forum will host a number of specialty sessions, tracks and workshops: 
  • School on the cloud 
  • Gender, (geo)media prosumption and education 
  • EO-based support of Humanitarian Operations (EO4Hum) 
  • Geoinformation for Public Health 
  • Hydrology GIS 
  • Technical and Human Sensors 
  • Spatial perspective on transportation modelling 
GI_Forum is organized by the Department of Geoinformatics ? Z_GIS in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and runs concurrently with the highly regarded German language conference on Applied Geoinformatics ? AGIT. The two symposia share the innovative AGIT EXPO exhibit and stimulating social events. Submission: Types & Deadlines. GI_Forum 2015 gives authors choices about the type of submission they want to make in order to accommodate a variety of interdisciplinary contributions. Submissions must be in English language. The review is double-blind. Consult the author information guidelines published at the conference website for further details. Publication will be both hardcopy and online (see www.austriaca.at/gi_forum). The publication is included in Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Conference stipends: A total of 5 conference stipends are available for outstanding international contributions from MSc/PhD/PostDoc researchers. These stipends are ? 400 each and will typically cover both the conference fees and accommodation during the conference. Stipends are available for full-paper contributions in English only. They are awarded based on the results of an international review process. 
  • February 1, 2015 deadline for submission of full papers, extended abstracts, extended abstracts for poster presentation
  • March 16, 2015 notification of acceptance
  • April 15, 2015 final paper versions
  • June 6, 2015 late deadline for submission of extended abstracts for poster presentation 
Online submissions only will be accepted, starting from December, 1st 2014 at www.gi-forum.org. We are looking forward to your contribution!

School on the Cloud - Special TrackSpecial Track: As we are well into the 21st century, important differentiations have occurred related to the way we view Education and (Geo)ICT. That is, educational processes such as openness, sharing, interpersonal relationships, discourse, personal motivation, tacit over explicit knowledge, as well as the sharing and reusability of learning resources on the web cannot be addressed in the traditional ways now in place. In other words, these processes cannot be dealt with unless we accept the need of new teaching and learning approaches supported by (Geo)ICT technologies in the form of Cloud computing that leads to the educational approach of School on the Cloud, which we want to adress in this special track. Topics: We welcome papers and posters that focus on the (dis)advantages of cloud-based geoinformation for (secondary and postsecondary) learning or cloud-based environments for GI related education. Invited are both best practice examples, or research papers on specific competence models.Types & Deadlines. GI_Forum 2015 gives authors choices about the type of submission they want to make in order to accommodate a variety of interdisciplinary contributions. Submissions must be in English language. The review is double-blind. Consult the author information guidelines published at the conference website for further details. Publication will be both hardcopy and online (see www.austriaca.at/gi_forum). The publication is included in Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index.Contact:Robert Vogler Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS | University of Salzburg 


Abstracts for EUGEO 2015 in Budapest are due next week

Dear Colleague,

Don't forget to submit your abstract for the EUGEO 2015 congress by 31 January. The congress will be held in Budapest 30 August - 2 September 2015.

Abstracts can be submitted after registering to attend the congress on the official website of the event: www.eugeo2015.com

We hope to see you in Budapest,
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee


Modern Problems of Geography and Anthropology

Dear colleagues! 
On behalf of the organizing committee we would like to cordially invite you to participate in international scientific conference “ Modern Problems of Geography and Anthropology”  in honor of the 140-th anniversary  of  the birthday of  Alexandre Javakhishvili ? a famous Georgian geographer and anthropologist thAcademician of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (1944),  Professor  Tbilisi State University (1920-1973), the founder (1924), Vice President (1924-1940)  and  President (1940 -1970) of the Geographical Society of Georgia,  Director of the Institute of Geography of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (1933-1962).    
The international conference will be held in Tbilisi, Georgiaon  October 22-23, 2015.  
We look forward welcoming professionals in Tbilisi.

Please check the attached file.

Ketevan  Mgaloblishvili,




~ フィールドワークを通して、よりよい地域を考える生徒を育てよう ~




1.日時 平成27年3月8日(日) 10時開催
2.場所 東京都立小石川中等教育学校 1階(多目的ホール)
  〒 113-0021 東京都文京区本駒込 2-29-29

  (1) 研究発表の部
社会科や「総合的な学習の時間」などの授業で身に付けた地域の調べ方を活用して、生徒が主体的に地域の地理や歴史、生活・文化について観察、調査、研究した成果をまとめて発表する。あるいは部活動、 自主的なグループ、個人による取り組みの成果等の発表。
  (2) 地図コンクールの部
社会科や「総合的な学習の時間」の授業で身に付けた地域の調べ方を活用して、生徒が主体的に 地域の地理や歴史、生活・文化について観察・調査・研究した成果を地図化したもの。部活動による研 究、自主 的なグループや個人による取り組みの成果を地図化したものの発表。

4. 参加申し込み締め切り:平成27年1月末日

5. 参加費
  (1) 発表の部 1校につき2千円。個人・グループは1千円
  (2) 地図コンクールの部 1点につき3百円(1校につき各部門 10 点程度)






第1部 14時30分~15時30分講演
第2部 15時40分~16時30分意見交換





EAS Congress 2015 Update No.1, January 2015: PEMSEA Launches Website for the East Asian Seas Congress 2015

11/17-21にベトナムで開催されるThe East Asian Congressの早期登録の連絡が来ました。

INQUA 要旨投稿受付終了-> 巡検受付開始

INQUA の要旨投稿受付が終了し巡検受付を開始したそうです。詳しくはリンクをご覧ください。


申込受付が遅れていました巡検も,すべての巡検で申込受付を始めています.開始後2週間ほどで,満席になった巡検もあります.海外からの研究者と一緒に現地で討議ができる巡検にご参加下さい. ブースなどの申し込みの受付も2月から開始の予定です.皆さんの機関やプロジェクトで是非ご活用ください.


Yoshiki SAITO
INQUA Nagoya 2015

IUGG 2015 Information Update - January 2015

IUGG 2015 の情報が更新されました、ご覧ください。

Call for Papers, RGS-IBG 2015 University of Exeter, UK, September 2-4, 2015


Dear All,

Please circulate widely--sincere apologies for cross-postings! 

You are invited to submit proposal for paper of presentation to this RGS-IBG, Annual International Conference 2015 
@ the University of Exeter, UK. 
Please email proposals (title and a 200-250 word abstract) or queries to Sahab Deen by ().

The deadline for abstract submission is: Monday 9th February 2015. 

Please find the attached the call for papers for this session organized by the Higher Education Research Group of RGS-IBG, Annual International Conference 2015 at the University of Exeter during 2-4 September 2015. 

For more information on this conference please see: http://www.rgs.org/ 

Best Regards,

Sahab Deen
Post-Doctoral Fellow,
Centre for the Study of Regional Development
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharalal Nehru University



2017年はRegional Conference を開催しないことが既に決まっていますが、代わりに、より小規模の"thematic conference"を(たぶん複数)開催するという方向で議論が進んでいます。2019年、2021年についてはまだ白紙ですが、いくつかのコミッションが共同で組織する"thematic conference"が増える可能性が高いように思われます。


International Geographical Union Meetings 2015-2022

·     2015. Moscow, Russia IGU Regional Conference, 17-21 August
·     2016. Beijing, China-Beijing International Geographical Congress, 21-25 August.
·     2018. Quebec, PQ, Canada IGU Regional Conference. 6-10 August
·     2020. Istanbul, Turkey IGU International Geographical Congress. Dates to be determined
·     2022. Paris, France Centennial and Sesquicentennial International Geographical Congress. Dates to be determined

EUROGEO 2015: Call for sessions, workshops and abstracts

以下、EUROGEO NEWSからの転載です。


Call for sessions, workshops 

Call for sessions, workshops
Would you like to organise and run a session, panel or workshop at EUROGEO 2015? We invite contributors to suggest sessions from all areas of the discipline and related subjects. These may be oral presentations, hands-on workshops, panels or round tables. If you decide to run a session, you should invite speakers to register and participate in
DeadlinesSessions by February 1st 2015
See more at: http://www.eurogeography.eu/2015-meeting-and-conference/
Early bird rate ends March 12th 2015

Searching for speakers 

Round table discussion on networking and innovation in Geography
EUROGEO is a European Association that has been networking for geography for more than 35 years. This round table will discuss the role and importance of networking and why it is so important in these days. It will examine the importance of innovation and change in response to challenges faced by Geography in the 21st century.
Short presentations are invited from the audience to the round table that present existing projects, or suggest new ideas for projects and the contribution EUROGEO and geography can and should make to for instance the competences of geographers should have if they are to be able to work in the many new jobs being created as part of the big data revolution. Proposals for interventions should be sent to
DeadlinesPaper, Poster and Workshop Abstracts March 12th 2015

Communicating Geography

Conference 2015: "Communicating Geography: serving our world"

The 2015 EUROGEO Annual Meeting and Conference will be organised in conjunction with and hosted by the Turkish Association of Geographers (TAG), in Ankara on 21-22 May 2015. An optional field excursion to Cappadocia will take place all day on 23 May 2015. Call for sessions and abstracts published. More

Journal: Conference Issue  

The European Journal of Geography (EJG) publishes at least one issue each year on the conference theme, which for 2015 is "Communicating Geography". EJG is an international, peer reviewed open access, free to download publication. The Journal now on Scopus, is based on the European Association of Geographers’ goal to make European Geography a worldwide reference and standard. The deadline for submission of articles for the conference issue (only via the journal web site) is July 15 2015. More

IGU Moscow Regional Conference 投稿〆切延長-> 2/28

IGU Moscow Regional Conferenceの投稿締め切りが2月28日に延長されました。



Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that the Abstract deadline for the 2015 IGU Congress to be held in Moscow from August 17-25 has now been extended until 28th February 2015.
Further details about the Congress can be found in the attached documents.  We would particularly like to draw your attention to the Commission sessions (number 13-19).   We would like to encourage you to register for the Congress and to put forward a proposal for a paper or poster. 
Please also note the following important dates:
28th February 2015 - Deadline for submitting abstracts for poster and oral presentations. 
20 March 2015 ? Publication of the provisional conference program
10 April 2015 ? Deadline for early registration fee payment
10 June 2015 ? Deadline for regular fee payment
Please also find attached details of the IGU Travel Grant Application Form.
We hope to see many of you in Moscow,
Clare Brooks, John Lidstone & Joop van der Schee
Dr Clare Brooks
Head of Academic Department, Curriculum Pedagogy and Assessment
UCL Institute of Education
Registration deadline for the IOE/IGU-CGE London Conference: early bird discount deadline 15th January 2015


点線以下、EUROGEO NEWSの転載です。


In The News 

This month there are articles on free MOOCs, The International Year of Soils, Future Earth, Spatial Citizenship, IGBP (Geosphere-Biosphere), Humanities and Social Sciences meeting, Eye on Earth open data, GeoBalcanica conference, a special call from the IGU and hundreds of other stories.

Geospatial Intelligence MOOC 

A new free MOOC on Geospatial Intelligence from Penn State will begin on January 14th, 2015. Geospatial Intelligence and the Geospatial Revolution is the first MOOC to focus on the intersection of intelligence analysis and geospatial science, dealing with the ways people use spatial information to find solutions to complex humanitarian, military, economic, and cultural problems. It will discuss controversial issues like the role of secrecy, changing conceptions of privacy, and the ways in which decisions are made when multiple stories can be told using the same information. More

SPACIT Courses Available

EUROGEO was a partner in the SPACIT (education for spatial citizenship) project, coordinated by the Department of Geo-Informatics of the University of Salzburg. The concept of spatial citizenship was developed for secondary teaching and in-service training to combine geography, political education and Web 2.0 technologies. The goal was to create online and F2F courses to equip teachers with the relevant competencies necessary through the everyday use of geo-media technologies. The course can be downloaded from the project Web site. More

International Year of Soils 2015

The Year Of Soils 2015 was officially initiated on World Soil Day, December 5th 2014. The year will bring many activities all over the world including exhibitions, excursions, talks, conferences, discussions and many more. A web map has been published with event locations. More

EASSH General Assembly 

EUROGEO is founder member of EASSH (European Alliance of Social Science and Humanities). The alliance has been registered as an association, legally based in France. This first meeting takes place in January 2015 to formally approve the constitution and to develop a work plan that promotes the importance and relevance of Social Science and Humanities in European research.  More

Future Earth research agenda

The Future Earth research programme has published its Strategic Research Agenda on the priorities for global-change research. Experts have identified eight key challenges for sustainable development. The Vision for 2025 outlines what Future Earth will contribute over the coming decade to achieve its vision for people to thrive in a sustainable and equitable world. More

Free MOOCs For Educators 

New online free European Schoolnet Academy courses are available for teachers' professional development in 2015! You will be able to explore the use of tablets in schools, how to teach computing in primary schools and how to stimulate creative thinking. Registrations for the new courses will soon be launched. More

Eye on Earth ? Earth View 

EUROGEO is a stakeholder in the Eye on Earth initiative. Latest news is brought by the The Earth View newsletter, with information concerning the Eye on Earth Community. The latest issue reports on the expansion of our Eye on Earth Alliance, the 2015 Summit and the Special Initiatives. More


EUROGEO is supporting the first GeoBalcanica conference, networking geographers from the Balkan regions and encouraging international scientists to attend the event to share their activities, research, innovations and projects. More

IGU 2015 Special Session 

Calling for contributions to a Special Session on The International Year of Global Understanding. This session invites colleagues to present creative ideas about geography education to achieve global understanding and global sustainability by living in healthy ways. More

IGBP ebulletin 

Latest newsletter from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, with lead articles on Deltas, the Carbon issue and ocean acidification. IGBP views the Earth system as the Earth's natural physical, chemical and biological cycles and processes and the social and economic dimensions. More

Get Why, Where Matters? 

EUROGEO Members Drs. Bob Ryerson and Stan Aronoff of GeoEconomy discuss the significance of their book "Why 'Where' Matters". This book illustrates why geospatial perspectives and geography matters. More

Geo In The News 

This newsletter brings you access to a collection of January 2015 geo-news from social media, newspapers and latest research. There are items on Climate, Environment, Human, Economic and Physical Geography.. The news also includes free publications to download and teaching and larding resources. More

EUROGEO Conference 2015 

"Communicating Geography: serving our world" 21-22 May 2015

The 2015 EUROGEO Annual Meeting and Conference will be organised in conjunction with and hosted by the Turkish Association of Geographers (TAG), in Ankara on 21-22 May 2015. An optional field excursion to Cappadocia will take place all day on 23 May 2015. Call for sessions and abstracts published. More

Communicating Geography 

Call for abstracts
We invite contributors from all areas of the discipline and related subjects to submit abstracts for oral presentations, hands-on workshops and posters at our 2015 Annual meeting. The conference theme is "Communicating Geography: serving our world", though abstracts relating to other areas will also be welcome.
Deadlines: Sessions (by February 1st 2015)
Paper, Poster and Workshop Abstracts March 12th 2015
See more at: http://www.eurogeography.eu/2015-meeting-and-conference/
Early bird rate ends March 12th 2015

EJG Issue 3: Free Download  

Issue 3 of the European Journal of Geography is free to download. The Journal now on Scopus, is based on the European Association of Geographers’ goal to make European Geography a worldwide reference and standard. The latest issue contains seven articles on historical analysis, wildfire risk assessment, location analysis, social perception, communicating climate change, catchment approaches and Belgrade tourism. More

8/6-10 IGU Quebec Regional Conference

2018年のIGU Quebec Regional Conference の開催日が8月6日~10日に決まりました。



日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会 Future Earth Union Session

以下のように2015年5月24-28日に幕張メッセで開催される日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会において、Future Earth Union Sessionが開催されます。

U-05: Future Earth - 持続可能な地球へ向けた統合的研究

1)これまでのGECプログラム(IGBP/DIVERSITAS/IHDP/WCRP, ESSP)をもとに、Future Earthへの移行を検討しているプログラム・プロジェクト等に関連する研究内容
2)SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)など開発と地球環境、持続性科学等に関連する研究内容
3)Future Earthの枠組みで開始されているBelmont Forum (Water security, Coastal vulnera
bility, Food security, E-infrastructure,北極圏、気候サービス、生物多様性など)やFast track/Cluster 等の国際共同研究に関連する研究内容
4)SATREPS、RECCAなど 社会実装を視野に入れたプログラム・プロジェクト等に関連する研究内容
5)その他、Future Earthの趣旨に基づいた研究内容


ICA General Assembly and the InternationalCartographic Conference 2015



Dear Colleagues,

attached I send you reminders for the ICA General Assembly and the InternationalCartographic Conference, 2015.

Best regards,

Prof. László Zentai

IGU Regional Conference 2015

IGU Regional Conference 2015についてのお知らせです。

Dear participants!

We would like to take a moment and wish you a Happy New Year with hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.

Please allow us on behalf of the organizing committee to thank you for registering. With this letter we would like to inform you about the important additions to the site which you can take advantage of now.


Call for Proposals for Transformative Knowledge Networks

Transformative Knowledge Networksのお知らせです。

Call for Proposals for Transformative Knowledge Networks

A new long-term vision to address today’s great challenges of global environmental ch
ange and sustainability via enduring social transformations and social change is launc
hed today with an initial 2.7 M  three-year commitment from the International Social 
Science Council.

The ISSC and its partners are inviting applications for proposals for Transformative
Knowledge Networks for the recently launched Transformations to Sustainability
Programme <http://www.worldsocialscience.org/activities/transformations> . Three
Transformative Knowledge Networks will each be supported with up to ?900,000 over
three years.

The Transformations to Sustainability Programme seeks to address global
sustainability challenges by supporting research on the complex processes of social
transformation needed to secure effective, equitable and durable solutions. It will
enable social scientists to develop knowledge networks that will both strengthen
social science leadership in global change and sustainability research and foster
on-the-ground progress towards greater sustainability.

The Knowledge Networks will be led or co-led by social scientists in low- and
middle-income countries, and will involve the relevant academic disciplines and
societal stakeholders in truly co-designed and co-implemented solutions-oriented


The Transformations to Sustainability Programme ultimately will inform and enable
social change toward more sustainable and equitable societies worldwide, by
broadening and deepening our understanding of how change happens. The objectives are

-         craft more effective, durable and equitable solutions to the problems of
global change and sustainability;

-         increase the use of such knowledge by policy makers, practitioners, the
private sector, citizens and activists;

-         create a Global Knowledge Trust on social transformations;

-         engage and communicate effectively with the public.

This initiative is intended as a major contribution to the work of Future Earth
<http://www.futureearth.org/> . 

Key dates & application process
Publication of call for proposals: 18 December 2014
Online submission form on NRF website opens: 2 February 2015
Deadline for submissions: 23.59 South African time, 31 March 2015
Funding decisions: July 2015

Download the full application pack

-         Call for Proposals (including Annex 1-2)

-         Annex 3 (Application template)

-         Annex 4 (Budget template)

About the funding

Core funding for the Transformations to Sustainability Programme is provided by the
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The application and review process as well as the grant management for
Transformative Knowledge Networks will be handled by the National Research
Foundation of South Africa (NRF).

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is providing support for eligible
Japan-based partners in successful Transformative Knowledge Networks. 

About the ISSC
The ISSC is an independent non-government organisation established by UNESCO in
1952. It is the primary body representing the social, economic and behavioural
sciences at an international level. Our mission is to increase the production and
use of social science knowledge for the well-being of societies throughout the

CALL FOR PAPERS: "Laturbe Euromediterranean Journal of Sciences of City, Land and Environment"

オンラインジャーナル“Laturbe: Euromediterranean Journal of Sciences of City, Land and Environment”のお知らせです。


Dear colleagues,

I’m addressing to you in order to remember you our continuous ‘call for
papers’ for our on-line journal “Laturbe: Euromediterranean Journal of
Sciences of City, Land and Environment”.

We accept papers (1000-3000 words + abstract + 5 keywords) of original
research, bibliographic review, opinion or personal reflection about any
subject related to the Geosciences and the Land and Urban Planning, written
in Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan or, exceptionally, English or other
internationally-diffused science languages.

You can send you paper proposals to our mail address “****************”.

During 2014 some scientific authorities have participated in our journal,
-        Prof. J.V. Boira Maiques, University of Valencia, Spain
-        Prof. G. Carta, University of Palermo, Italy
-        Prof. B. Hecham Zeiuoua, University of Constantine, Algeria
-        Dr. E. Messina, Urban planner, Italy
-        Mrs. F. Landa Rivera, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez,

Thank you very much

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015

Best regards,

Víctor Soriano i Piqueras

Tenth International Conference on "Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics" GEOG-AND-MOD 15

第10回GEOG-AND-MOD 15のお知らせです。

Tenth International Conference on "Geographical Analysis,  Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics" 


in conjunction with

The 2015 International Conference on Computational
Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2015)

June 22th - June 25th, 2015

University of Calgary, Banff, Canada

During the past decades the main problem in geographical analysis was the lack of
spatial data availability. Nowadays the wide diffusion of electronic devices
containing geo-referenced information generates a great production of spatial data.
Volunteered geographic information activities (e.g. OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia),
public initiatives (e.g. Open data, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Geo-portals) and
private projects (e.g. Google Earth, Bing Maps, etc.) produced an overabundance of
spatial data, which, in many cases, does not help the efficiency of decision
The increase of geographical data availability has not been fully coupled by an
increase of knowledge to support spatial decisions. 
The inclusion of spatial simulation techniques in recent GIS software favoured the
diffusion of these methods, but in several cases led to the mechanism based on which
buttons have to pressed without having geography or processes in mind.
Spatial modelling, analytical techniques and geographical analyses are therefore
required in order to analyse data and to facilitate the decision process at all
levels, with a clear identification of the geographical information needed and
reference scale to adopt.
Old geographical issues can find an answer thanks to new methods and instruments,
while new issues are developing, challenging the researchers for new solutions. 
This Conference aims at providing innovative and original contribution to the
ongoing debate on the above mentioned issues and at improving the process of
knowledge acquisition, by means of the development of new techniques and methods.

The programme committee especially requests high quality submissions on the
following (but not limited to) Conference Themes:
Geostatistics and spatial simulation;
Agent-based spatial modelling;
Cellular automata spatial modelling;
Spatial statistical models;
Space-temporal modelling;
Environmental Modelling;
Geovisual analytics, geovisualisation, visual exploratory data analysis;
Visualisation and modelling of track data;
Spatial Optimization;
Interaction Simulation Models;
Data mining, spatial data mining;
Spatial Data Warehouse and Spatial OLAP;
Integration of Spatial OLAP and Spatial data mining;
Spatial Decision Support Systems;
Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis;
Spatial Rough Set;
Spatial extension of Fuzzy Set theory;
Ontologies for Spatial Analysis;
Urban modeling;
Applied geography;
Spatial data analysis;
Dynamic modelling;
Simulation, space-time dynamics, visualization and virtual reality.

Each paper will be independently reviewed by 3 programme committee members. Their
individual scores will be evaluated by a small sub-committee and result in one of
the following final decisions: accepted, or accepted on the condition that
suggestions for improvement will be incorporated, or rejected. Notification of this
decision will take place on March 2015.
Individuals and groups should submit complete papers (10 to 16 pages).
Accepted contributions will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) volumes

Authors Guideline 
Please adhere strictly to the formatting provided in the template to prepare your
paper and refrain from modifying it.

The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of
LNCS. For formatting information, see the publisher's web site


Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
present the paper.
papers should be submitted at:
please don't forget to select " Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial
Statistics GEOG-AND-MOD 15" workshop from the drop-down list of all workshops.
Papers accepted to "Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics
GEOG-AN-MOD 15" will be published in the ICCSA Conference proceedings, in
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, with doi, indexed
by WOS, Scopus and DBLP. Participants to "Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling,
Spatial Statistics GEOG-AN-MOD 15" will be invited to submit an extended version of
their paper for special issues on International Journals and book. 

Extended version of previous GEOG-AN-MOD papers have been included in the following
special issues:

*        Transactions on Computational Science Journal <http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-10649-1/page/1#section=640528&page=1>  VI Vol. 5730-0324, Springer-Verlag, Berlin ISSN: 1611-3349.
*        Murgante B., Borruso G., Lapucci A. (2009)Â "Geocomputation and Urban Planning <http://www.springerlink.com/content/r6430u529rn9/#section=183826&page=1> "Â Studies in Computational Intelligence , Vol. 176. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
*        Murgante B., Borruso G., Lapucci A. (2011)Â  <http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-19733-8#section=877251&page=1> "Geocomputation, Sustainability and Environmental Planning"Â Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
*        Murgante B., Kanevski M., Marvuglia A. Cellura M. (2012) Special Issue on  <http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-agricultural-environmental-information/1160> "Analysing, Modelling and VisualizingSpatial Environmental Data” International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS) IGI Global volume 3(1),
*        Murgante B., Kanevski M., Marvuglia A. Cellura M. (2012) Special Issue on “Analysing, Modelling and VisualizingSpatial <http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-agricultural-environmental-information/1160>  Environmental Data”International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS) IGI Global volume 3(2) 
*        Borruso G., Bertazzon S., Favretto A. Murgante B., Torre C. (2011)Â “Geographic Information Analysis for Sustainable Development and Economic Planning: New Technologies” <http://www.springerlink.com/content/r6430u529rn9/#section=183826&page=1> Â IGI Global
*        Murgante B., Borruso G., Gibin M. (2012)Â  <http://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet/special_issues/neogeography_wikiplanning> "NeoGeography and WikiPlanning"Â Future Internet (ISSN 1999-5903).
*        Lasaponara R., Asche H., Lanorte A., Murgante B., Borruso G. and Masini N. (2012)Â  <http://www.earth-syst-dynam-discuss.net/special_issue8.html> "Investigating Earth system changes and dynamics using remote sensing and geospatial analysis"Â Earth System Dynamics Interactive Open Access Journal (ISSN:Â 2190-4979).
*        Lasaponara R., Murgante B., Masini N., Ge Y., Masini N., Asche H. (2013)  <http://www.earth-syst-dynam-discuss.net/special_issue8.html> "Advance in geocomputation <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303243413001190>  <http://www.earth-syst-dynam-discuss.net/special_issue8.html> " International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation  Elsevier.
*        Murgante B., Borruso G. (2013)  <http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-agricultural-environmental-information/1160> "Using technologies to preserve and promote cultural heritage and landscape"Â International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS) IGI Global volume 4(3).
*        Journal of Mobile Multimedia <http://www.rintonpress.com/journals/jmm/>  
*        International Journal of Web Information Systems
*        International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 2013 Vol. 8 No. 4