
2015 10/8 Atoms for Peace and Development

2015年10月8日 18:30-19:30 国連大学にて






FEのco-work, co-designの影響と思いますが、
Cloud computing network関係でAmazonが以下のようなグラントを用意しているようです。
AGUもglobal changeと地域共同体の関係で絡んできているようです。 



To Sharing Science,

American Geophysical Union's Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX), in association 
with Amazon Web Services (AWS), is helping scientists, leaders, and 
technologists use cloud computing to advance Earth and space science 
solutions. Through this work, grants will be provided to exemplary 
co-designed solutions that address local challenges related to natural 
resources, climate change and natural hazards. These grants will help move 
local solutions to the cloud, with technical support, so each solution can 
be adapted by and improved upon by other teams in other communities facing 
similar challenges.

The submission deadline is 16 October.
In order to enter, please complete your name and email address and click the 
'save and continue later' button. A member of the TEX team will then contact 
you to discuss next steps on how best to complete your submission.

Four winners will receive $15,000 in grant funds to use AWS on-demand cloud 
services. Terms and conditions for grant use, apply: 
http://aws.amazon.com/education/terms/. Teams  will also win the opportunity 
to attend the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting and inspire future innovation by 
presenting at the  Sharing Solutions  Event in March 2016.

Selected Projects
All four winning projects will be selected by a multidisciplinary panel of judges.

Three winning projects must be a working prototype designed to enable policy 
makers, city planners, citizens, or scientists to address local or regional 
challenges related to natural resources, climate change or natural hazards.

An additional winner will be selected for student engagement; this project 
should encourage the use of technology to improve k-12 and/or college 
student participation in solving any of the challenge areas above.

Learn more and apply at:

Toshio Yamagata

2015 11/23-25 1st Asia-Pacific Environment Landscape Architecture Forum

2015年 11月23-25日に行われる、
Asia-Pacific Environment Landscape Architecture Forum

File 1

GLP e-News No. 77

最新のGLP e-Newsをおしらせします。



Fw: Disaster Risk Reduction Lecture for disseminating Sendai Framework

IGU副会長の R.B.Singh さんの災害に関するレクチャーです。
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you that I have delivered a lecture on Disaster 
Risk Reduction for Disseminating Sendai Framework incorporating Indian 
experiences. I am sending link of presentation for your use.
With best regards,
R.B. Singh


Fw: IYGU in WSSF Newsletter

World Social Science Forum Newsletter に掲載されたIYGUの


Dear all,
Please find attached the IYGU in today's WSSF newsletter.
Official photographs will not be available  until tomorrow morning.
Will send the as soon I got them.

Best wishes,


Fw: Most Successful Proclamation//Press Release

IYGU(International Year of Global Understanding)「国際地球理解年」


Dear all,

I have the pleasure to let you know that this morning the 2016 IYGU has been 
successfully declared by the International council of Social Sciences, the 
International Council for Science, and the International Council for 
Philosophy and Human Sciences by Alberto Martinelli, Heide Hackmann and Luiz 
Oosterbeek at the world Social Science Forum in Durban.

I want to express my gratitude to the representatives of the three councils, 
the presidents Gordon McBean (ICSU), Alberto Martinelli (ISSC) and Chao 
Gejin (CIPSH), as well as the executive directors Heide Hackmann (ICSU), 
Mathieu Denis (ISSC), and Luiz Oosterbeek (CIPSH) that they have made it 
possible to bring the project to success.

I would thank Lizzie Sayer, Denise Young and Johannes Mengel form the public 
relations department of ISSC and ICSU for the press release and all the 
persons who translated the English original in French (Mathis Stock), 
Chinese (Shangyi Zhou), Spanish (Inguelore Scheunemann), Portuguese (Luiz 
Oosterbeek), Japanese (Yukio Himiyama) and German (Karsten Gäbler and 
Dorothee Quade) in very short time (see attachments).

The presence of Nada Al-Nashif, the Assistant Director-General for Social 
and Human Science of the UNESCO, and John Crowley, Chief of Section of the 
Research, Policy and Foresight Sector for Social and Human Sciences of 
UNESCO at the proclamation made it possible to discuss the basic structure 
of possible cooperation with the IYGU. Other news about very important new 
partners will follow soon.

With very best wishes,


Fw: Proclamation of 2016 as International Year of Geographical Understanding

2016年をIYGU(International Year of Global Understanding)「国際地球
られております。またFuture Earth をボトムアップで支えるものとして大


Dear Colleagues

I am absolutely delighted to forward you the formal press release (in seven 
languages- you may wish to forward the document in only one language of 
course depending on to where you send it) regarding today’s announcement, 
at the International Social Science Council meeting in Durban, that 2016 is 
proclaimed as the International Year of Global Understanding.  I should 
appreciate your forwarding this to your national press and other media 
contacts so that the important news can be spread as wide as possible.  This 
is a landmark day for the IGU - and an opportunity for us all to share the 
positive messages that the concept of developing global thinking and turning 
it into local action can bring about.

Congratulations to Professor Benno Werlen and colleagues who have worked so 
hard in order to bring this about,

For convenience, I copy the English version of the press release (y)
Mike Meadows

Professor Mike Meadows

2016 to be the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)

“Building bridges between global thinking and local action”

The International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social 
Science Council (ISSC) and International Council for Philosophy and Human 
Sciences (CIPSH) jointly announced today that 2016 would be the 
International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU). The aim of IYGU is to 
promote better understanding of how the local impacts the global in order to 
foster smart policies to tackle critical global challenges such as climate 
change, food security and migration.

“We want to build bridges between global thinking and local action,” said 
Prof. Benno Werlen of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. 
“Only when we truly understand the effects of our personal choices ? for 
example in eating, drinking and producing ? on the planet, can we make 
appropriate and effective changes,” said Werlen, who initiated this project 
of the International Geographical Union (IGU).

How to translate scientific insight into more sustainable lifestyles will be 
the main focus of activities ? research projects, educational programmes and 
information campaigns ? for 2016. The project seeks to go beyond a narrow 
focus on environmental protection and climate policy and explore quality of 
life issues and the sustainable, long-term use of local resources.

“We live in the most interconnected world in history. Yet at the same time 
that world is riven by conflicts, dislocations and uncertainties - an 
unsettling and disturbing mixture of huge opportunities and existential 
risks,” said Lord Anthony Giddens, former Director of the London School of 
Economics, UK. “Finding a positive balance will demand fundamental 
intellectual rethinking and new forms of collaboration of the sort the IGYU 
offers” he added.

“Sustainable development is a global challenge, but solving it requires 
transforming the local ? the way each of us lives, consumes, and works. 
While global negotiations on climate attack the sustainability crisis from 
above, the IYGU complements them beautifully with coordinated solutions from 
below - by getting individuals to understand and change their everyday 
habits. This twin approach elevates our chance of success against this 
crisis, the gravest humanity has ever seen,” said former ICSU President and 
Nobel Laureate Yuan-Tseh Lee.

For example, on each day in 2016, the IYGU will highlight a change to an 
everyday activity that has been scientifically proven to be more sustainable 
than current practice. Primers on everyday life which take cultural 
diversity and local practice into account will be compiled and distributed. 
“Now more than ever it is vital that we find the strength to understand and 
relate to the positions, thoughts, and expectations of others and seek 
dialogue instead of confrontation,” said Professor Klaus Töpfer, Executive 
Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)

It is hoped that this focus on tangible, local action will generate ideas 
for research programmes and school curricula, as well as highlight best 
practice examples. Wherever possible, activities will be communicated in 
several languages. Using this bottom-up approach, the IYGU hopes to support 
and extend the work of initiatives such as Future Earth, the UN’s Post-2015 
Development Agenda, and the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable 

“In Rwanda, environmental pollution through plastic litter was a widespread 
and intractable problem. Ultimately, the insight that plastic is harmful to 
ruminant animals, in particular cows, turned the tide in favor of 
environmental legislation. This led to a ban on plastic items that could 
cause litter. Today you’d be hard pressed to find plastic polluting public 
areas in Rwanda,” said Werlen.

The involvement of the ISSC, ICSU and CIPSH in IYGU underwrites broad 
collaboration across the natural and social sciences and the humanities, 
from across disciplinary boundaries and from all around the world.

In 2016, the IYGU program will be coordinated by about 50 Regional Action 
Centers. This network is currently being established and cities such as 
Tokyo . Washington, Sao Paulo, Tunis, Moscow, and Rome, while Beijing, 
Mexico City, Maçao/Coimbra, Nijmegen, Hamilton, Bamako and Kigali are 
confirmed as hoists of such Centers with their regional to continental 
reach. The IYGU General Secretariat in Jena, Germany coordinates these 
Regional Action Centers.

Further information on the International Year of Global Understanding is 
available at www.global-understanding.info. Prof. Werlen is available for 
further interviews upon request.


Proclamation 2016 International Year of Global Understanding

IYGU代表のBenno Werlen さんからです。明日UTC (Coordinated
Universal Time)午前9時(日本時間午後6時)に、ダーバンで開催中
のWorld Social Science Forum at Durbanで、2016 年を International
Year of Global Understanding とすることが宣言されます。国連総会


Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well, and my apologies for the long silence!

 I’m pleased to announce, that next Sunday, September 13, the three 
sciences councils (ICSU; ISSC and CIPSH) will proclaim at the World Social 
Science Forum at Durban, South Africa, 2016 as the International Year of 
Global Understanding.  The session of proclamation is scheduled for 11:00 
am -12:30 pm local time. A press release will also be issued at that time 
and I will forward it to you (with translation into French, Chinese, 
Spanisch, Portuguese and German) once it has become official, Sunday 9:00 am 
UTC, 11:00 am CEST.

My thanks go once again to the presidents of the three science 
organizations ( Gordon McBean (ICSU), Alberto Martinelli (ISSC), and Chao 
Gejin (ICPHS) ) as well as to their Executive Directors Heide Hackmann 
(ICSU) and Mathieu Denis (ISSC), and Secretary-General Luiz Oosterbeek 
(CIPSH). They were all most helpful and their support was absolutely crucial 
for getting plan B off the ground. The declaration in Durban will present 
the first time that the three organizations jointly proclaim an 
international year.

The background:

There have been a few ups and downs concerning the IYGU application’s 
status at the UN in New York. For quite some time things were up in the air 
and I had no definite information on the progress concerning the negotiation 
of the IYGU draft resolution. Despite an intensive preparation on the 
diplomatic side and the strong support assured, , including efforts by the 
Association of American Geographers to mobilize U.S. representatives at the 
UN since the AAG meeting in Chicago in April, the IYGU application remained 
an object of conflict between the G77 and the Western European and Others 
Group (WEOG) member states.  I finally received a message on August 15 from 
a representative of the Rwandan Permanent Mission saying that it is highly 
unlikely that the draft resolution will be adopted in this or the next 
session as there is still a lack of consensus among the member states 
concerning the exact wording of the resolution.

Now, while these are certainly no good news from New York, this deadlock and 
resulting problems weren’t entirely unforeseeable, which is why I started 
developing a plan B in case the UN does not adopt the IYGU draft resolution. 
In my last email to you from July 13 I already outlined the idea of having 
an international year declared by the three global umbrella organizations of 
the natural, social, and human sciences (ICSU, ISSC, and CIPSH) and attached 
the letters from ICSU, ISSC and CIPSH. In addition I attach some highly 
important statements that have been made for the press release.

The outlook:

There are further reasons to be optimistic about the unfolding of 
possibilities in the context of the IYGU in 2016. My recent business trips 
to Moscow and Rio de Janeiro resulted in the acquisition of new contacts and 
the strengthening of existing ones; they will all be very helpful in further 
promoting our project and advancing its objectives. There is a big chance 
that IYGU could be mentioned in the opening ceremony of the Olympic games in 
Rio de Janeiro. The IYGU also enjoys strong links with the Future Earth 
program; the cooperation with UNESCO will be discussed in Durban; has 
already  several memorandums of understanding for environmental law and 
transdiciplinary research and teaching cooperation; it is well set up to 
start its international activities via its Regional Action Centers 
throughout the world; and its opening will be celebrated in several 
ceremonies throughout the world planned for early 2016. For all these 
activities it would be great if we could continue our common efforts to make 
IYGU a global and sustainable success!

With this positive outlook I thank you once again for your support and 
crucial efforts in making this project happen.

Best wishes,