
Invitation to attend Education for Sustainability Conference in Germany


A three-day Education for Sustainability Conference will be held from 21st to 23rd of October 2015 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The conference provides an exclusive forum to discuss: Education in the 21st Century | Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives; latest innovations in education; and embedding sustainability in curricula, courses, learning and teaching material and in the management and operations of academic institutions. The event will be an occasion to debate on the ways to make education more responsive to the emerging environmental, social and economic challenges.

Further to knowledge sharing, the upcoming event also provides an excellent opportunity to network with global academic community, members of government and multilateral institutions, sustainability practitioners, teachers and administrators from around the world. This three-day gathering will also be an occasion to develop synergies with peers and experts in Europe and beyond. An optional excursion/ get-together will take place on Saturday the 24th of October 2015.

You are cordially invited to attend this international event and/ or nominate member(s) of your institution.

For further information, please see the event details.


IYGU(International Year of Global Understanding) Ready to start action

れがうまくいかなかった場合も想定し、Durban で 9月13-16日に開
催される World Social Science Forum 2015 の場で2016年を


Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to update you on the latest
major developments concerning the International Year of Global Understanding
(IYGU) as you are involved in establishing IYGU’s Regional Action Centers

Rwanda’s Permanent Mission and other delegations to the UN in New York are
still doing their best to pursue our original plan of having the IYGU
proclaimed as a UN international year by the UN General Assembly. The U.S.
State Department is also seeing to our application has added its support,
which might increase the chances of our application being tabled for the
last session before the northern hemisphere summer holiday break commences
at the end of July. As increasingly more time elapses, however, the chances
of obtaining approval in time to hold the IYGU in 2016 are dwindling.

I didn’t want to risk loosing all the work that went into this project so
far ? you have all been putting your time and efforts into this in one way
or another ? and I’m convinced that the notions of Global Understanding and
Global Sustainability are as relevant as ever. I have therefore developed a
plan B that is in keeping with the IYGU’s transdisciplinary spirit.

The goal of having an international year on the notion of Global
Understanding remains and will be achieved with the help of the
International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science
Council (ISSC), and the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic
Studies (CIPSH). I’m very grateful that the presidents of these
organizations are supportive of the idea of proclaiming the IYGU as
“their” year, that is, the IYGU might not carry the UN label but ? if the
process in New York should fail ? that of ICSU, ISSC, CIPSH and UNESCO with
its full title being “International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)
proclaimed by International Council for Science (ICSU), International Social
Science Council (ISSC), International Council for Philosophy and Human
Sciences (ICPHS)”.

At the end of last week the presidents and executive directors of these
three organizations ? Gordon McBean/Heide Hackmann (ICSU), Alberto
Martinelli (ISSC), and Chao Gejin/Luiz Oosterbeek (CIPSH) ? have all issued
a separate letters stating that the IYGU will be declared at the World
Social Science Forum 2015 in Durban (September 13-16). I will use these
letters in my fundraising efforts over the next months because it is crucial
for donors to know with certainty that the IYGU is going to happen. I would
suggest that you could do the same in your context.

Once again, let me I thank all of you for the many and varied contributions
you have made. I think its now the time to start the work of the Regional
Action Centers in your locality, hopefully with strong collaborations
between university, city, region, and country. I attach the aforementioned
three letters and the UNESCO Resolution in the hope that these will help you
in your lobbying efforts.

All in all we are ? despite the considerable delay in the application
process ? on a very good way to be able to celebrate the IYGU and its
achievements together in 2016. Chances are that the IYGU might closely
collaborate with the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and other parts of
Brazil, partnering up on issues around the International Olympic Committee’s
sustainability policy. Such a collaboration would be most helpful in raising
the visibility of the great work being done at the IYGU RAC’s across the
world. I will have a first meeting with the Local Organizing Committee in
Rio de Janeiro on September 2nd and will keep you posted on any further

Many thanks again for all your work and best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Benno Werlen
Department of Geography
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena



が 2015年7月31日(金) 14:00-17:00 日本学術会議講堂で開催