
Call for Abstract: World Social Science Forum 2015

国際社会科学協議会(ISSC)の主催するWorld Social ScienceForum (WSSF) の案内です。


The WSSF is a flagship activity of the International Social Science Council (ISSC). The 2015 edition is hosted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), and co-organised with a large consortium of leading South African Universities and research units, research councils, and prominent non-governmental organisations. More information on the 2015 WSSF

11/7-9 サイエンスアゴラ2014の開催




日時: 平成26年11月7日(金)~9日(日) 10:00~17:00 
会場: 東京・お台場地域(日本科学未来館ほか)

主催: 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構

11/29 学術フォーラム「東日本大震災・阪神淡路大震災等の経験を国際的にどう活かすか」


日時:平成2611 29 日(土)10:0017:30
    (東京メトロ千代田線 乃木坂駅 出口5)
主催:日本学術会議 土木工学・建築学委員会、東日本大震災の総合対応に関する学協会連絡会


EUROGEO (European Association of Geographers) の情報



Geography News: Italy success, Geo World Record, Awareness Week, Day of Geography, Survey

Latest Geo News -Welcome to the latest newsletter from EUROGEO
     The newsletter brings excellent news about the restoration of Geography in Italian schools. Recognition leaves the door open for other sectors of education to lobby for its inclusion. Promoting geography is essential to a broad audience, so we encourage you to join in the World Record Breaking Geography Event. You can also find out about participating in Geography Awareness Week, GIS Day and volunteering for the Day of Geography are really important annual events. Also news on events, surveys and consultations.

Geo Back In Italian Schools
     Campaigning against national cuts in Geography school allocation can bring positive results. The decision to bring Geography back into technical schools represents some recognition of the importance of the strategic value of the subject for the development of skills needed in modern education.

Geography World Record
     Are you and your students involved yet? There are currently an more than 18,000 students already registered to take part across the whole world with schools from different countries involved. Please help promote the event to get even more schools involved.

Geography Awareness Week
     Celebrate and participate in Geography Awareness week 2014 (November 16-22) from National Geographic

Volunteer - Day Of Geography
     The “Day of Geography” is looking for volunteers. It will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014. This is the Monday of Geography Awareness Week. The goal of Day of Geography is to raise awareness about the importance and relevance of geography to the broader public. If you would like to support it, please contact http://www.dayofgeography.com/ for more information. Twitter @dayofgeog

Digital Earth Society
     EUROGEO, as a European Centre of Excellence for digital earth and geo-media in education is a member of the International Society for Digital Earth.  Stories include the announcement of the 5th Digital Earth Summit, under the theme Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet, from 6-10 November 2015 in Halifax, Canada.

Members Present At GI Forum
     EUROGEO members attended the GI_Forum conference hosted by the University of Salzburg. Luc Zwartjes, Treasurer spoke about developments in the I-Use Project (Statistics in Education) and was part of a panel on future perspectives. Karl Donert examined possible futures for geo-media in school education, based on the SPACIT Project and led a discussion on funding opportunities.
     GI_Forum is a platform for dialogue among stakeholders in ongoing efforts to support the creation of an informed GISociety. Full reviewed papers can be downloaded from
http://epub.oeaw.ac.at/gi_forum GI_Forum 2015 will take place in Salzburg, July 8-10 2014.

EC Consultation: The Cloud
     EUROGEO participated in the Public Consultation on Cloud Computing launched by DG Connect (Unit E2).  The aim was to defining future research priorities in Cloud Computing and Software, ahead of the H2020 ICT Work Programme 2016-17. We believe the focus should be more on education rather than technology, researching the implications of the Cloud. EUROGEO is a core partner in the School on the Cloud network project. A post-consultation Workshop will be held in Brussels to discuss and validate the views expressed by different actors during the consultation.

Disaster Management Survey
      The Association of American Geographers (AAG) are seeking responses from Disaster Management and Risk Reduction stakeholders to a brief stakeholder survey. Responses are a critical part of improving disaster response in the MENA region. Complete it online at completed online at: http://eoe.aag.org/falcon-survey

Mountain R & D
     Mountain Research and Development, Vol 34, No 3 special issue on Gender and Sustainable Development in Mountains is now published. Articles explore the different ways in which women and men in mountain regions worldwide negotiate change, development interventions, and migration, and how this influences their daily lives.

Why, Where Matters?
     EUROGEO Members GeoEconomy have published "Why 'Where' Matters". This book examines why geospatial perspectives and geography matters. The tag line is "Practical Advice for Individuals, Communities, Companies and Countries.".

GIS Day 2014
     Have you participated in a GIS Day before? If  not why not get involved, or even organise an event this year? The theme for 2014 is Discovering the World Through GIS, it takes place on November 19, 2014. You can register your event at http://www.gisday.com/ or find out what is happening near you. GIS Day is part of Geography Awareness Week.

Call: International Fieldwork
     Call for papers to create a symposium on ‘Current practices and challenges in international geography field courses’ If you are interested in participating, please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words to scientific exchange comitttee of AJG (ajgsciex@goole.com).


[会議] 減災のための学際教育


日時: 2014年10月31日 午前9:30~午後4:30
場所: 国連大学本部エリザベス・ローズ国際会議場

IGU Krakow Congress Report






日時:2014年11月15日 14:00〜17:00
