
[受賞] Winner of IGU Commission Excellence Award for 2015 announced

Winner of IGU Commission Excellence Award for 2015 announced


IGU Commissions Excellence Award 2015 awarded to Commission on Geographical Education

The IGU Executive Committee has awarded the IGU Commissions Excellence Award to the Co
mmission on Geographical Education. The Commission on Geographical Education, jointly 
chaired by Professor Joop van der Schee (University of Amsterdam) and John Lidstone (Q
ueensland University of Technology)  has been consistently very active and highly prod
uctive. The Commission is exceptionally successful in disseminating geographical knowl
edge and skills to a broad audience beyond the academic community and in educating fut
ure generations of geographers. The signing of the new Declaration on research in Geog
raphical Education and the development of a new Charter on Geography Education in coll
aboration with EUGEO and EUROGEO are major outcomes of the Commission’s work in 2015.

This is the third year of the IGU Commission Excellence Award, previous winners were
the Commissions on Gender (2013) and Political Geography (2014).  The award includes
a prize of US$2500 towards Commission activities and an opportunity to present a
keynote address at a future IGU Conference or Congress.

The IGU Commission Excellence Award selection committee is chaired by Vice-President
Professor Joos Droogleever-Fortuijn

Mike Meadows